All posts by Indrajit

Do Not Write Your Manuscript Like This

Each time you are planning to publish a paper, it is generally anticipated that you will read thoroughly instructions or guidelines for authors. It actually helps you ensure that your manuscript is written and published according to the standards of the journal. But the fact is that very few authors rigidly follow the instructions. Even though you may eventually edit your manuscript in accordance with the instructions, still you need to remember a few points to ensure that your manuscript is mistake free. So, let us now discuss how not to write your manuscript.

Do not write inconsistent manuscript
If you research, you will come to know that most of the authors do not maintain consistency while writing a paper. The words usage is not uniform throughout the manuscript. If you do not maintain consistency, it can lead to extreme confusion for the editors. For instance, if you are using the word “girl” for a particular individual in your paper, keep referring to the individual as girl throughout the manuscript. Do not use the word “female” or “lady”. It can create confusion.

Do not use wrong citations
Before writing the manuscript, do check the type of citation which your intended journal accepts. The fact is that various citation styles are used, like numbers, alphanumeric, name and year and so on. So, if you choose the wrong citations, you may eventually end up correcting the mistakes later on, which can consume significant amount of your time. So, check out the citation style which is accepted by the journal and then use citations accordingly.

Do not use wrong reference styling
Similar to citations, nowadays different journals have their separate reference styling and formatting. Do you know that nowadays manuscripts are largely rejected due to wrong reference styling? So, ensure that you are using the right reference styling before drafting your manuscript.

Do not use self-created abbreviations
If you research, you will discover that various authors use non-standard and self-created abbreviations in their manuscript. They actually forget or ignore the fact that their manuscript is going to be published internationally as well and will therefore have a global reach. For this reason, using non-standard and self-created abbreviations should be ignored. In fact, the authors need to use abbreviations that are standard and largely used by all both nationally and globally.

Consider the aforementioned points and do not make these mistakes in your manuscript.

How To Make Your Covering Letter Irresistible To Potential Publishers

So, you have finally been able to complete your manuscript and are ready to send it to publishing houses for consideration. You would need to send not only the manuscript but also a synopsis of your write-up and a covering letter along with it. Many writers do not know the significance of a cover letter. They do not understand that it is the first thing that a publishing house would take a look at. Here is how you can make your cover letter irresistible to potential publishers.

Approach the right publishers

Make sure that you approach the right publishers, to begin with. Research variegated publishers and literary agents so that you can evaluate whether they would be interested in publishing your genre of manuscript beforehand itself. For instance, if you have written a work of fiction, then do not send it to journals for publication. Similarly, take time to go through the publication guidelines and editorial rules of the journal. It may not matter how well you have written your cover letter unless and until you send the manuscript to the right publishers.

Do some research

Do some research on whom you need to address the cover letter to and what else you need to add to the cover letter apart from what you have already added. Do not simply address the cover letter to “Respected Sir/Madam.” Instead, find out the last name of the editor and address it to him or her. Keep in mind that you need to grab the attention of the audience of the cover letter. Many editors have to go through several cover letters every month. So, write it so effectively that they will not reject it. Make sure you summarise the central idea of your manuscript and add it to the cover letter before sending it across. Open the cover letter with an exciting quote from your manuscript.