When you select a conference to attend, the very next thing which comes in your mind is writing an abstract according to the conference guidelines. Then you start to think which work you want to publish in that abstract from all the work you have done in your research. As such there is no set formula for writing abstract and it can depend totally on your work and writing style but however there is good recipe for making a nice abstract which can work almost anywhere.
An abstract is a brief summary of the paper but actually it’s much more than that as it not only say something about your research, but also about yourself, provides an idea of why this abstract provides an added value to the conference. An evaluator will not only study your proposal but also the zeal you have for your topic and the details with which the abstract has been drafted.
Keep these points in mind while writing an abstract
- Verify that your topic really fits the call for papers
- Limit yourself to the word count that is indicated by the organizers
- Follow the instructions for formatting the proposal
I’ve found what really works for me to write an abstract in a fast forward mode. As you have to focus on different sections of an abstract.
The different sections an abstract should generally contain:
Background: Why do we care about the problem and the results?
Objective: What problem are you trying to solve?
Methodology: How you are going to solve the problem?
Results: What were the results of your research?
Conclusions: What are the implications of your answer?
Whenever you need to write an abstract, copy and paste these points into a new document and answer them one by one. Style and grammar don’t matter initially as you have to get the ideas out first.
These answers then make up the first draft of your abstract. Convert the abstract into a readable text, in correct English with proper grammar, making sure the entire abstract flows from its objective towards the conclusions.