Every writer has the dream of getting his or her manuscript published. You might even be dreaming of getting straight on the “Coffee with Karan” show when your manuscript gets noticed for its uniqueness. However, every writer has to face rejection at some point of life or another of his or her manuscript. This does not mean that you have to give up hopes completely. Here is how you should deal with the rejection of your scientific manuscript.
Don’t take it personally
Rejection should never be taken personally. Except in very rare cases, you would not know the name of the person to whom you are addressing the queries. Of course, it works the other way round too. The person addressing the letter to you might also not know you. Moreover, it does not mean that you do not matter to the publishing world or any world, for that matter. The person is simply stating that you have not done your work properly. Not now and not for them. That is all. Also, make sure you understand that a scientific manuscript entails an abstract, a well written introduction, some body copy, and a conclusion. You are also expected to include references, figures, and tables in it. Make sure you write for the right audience without including any personal anecdotes.
Send out another query
This is one of the most important steps to be taken after your manuscript has been rejected. Continue to send queries to the people in your list till you have exhausted your list. Most people will receive a form rejection letter. So, you should take it and go through it till you are completely satisfied as to why the editor rejected your work. If you can, write and rewrite your manuscript till you are satisfied that you have changed everything the editor asked you to change in it. Maybe you published your article in the wrong journal or maybe you did not follow the guidelines. Find out what went wrong and edit your article accordingly. If you want, you could always take the help of a professional editing service provider or company.
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