Anna University Annexure I publications: A guide to getting published for PhD

Anna University instructs its scholars to get their research publications for PhD in ISI-indexed journals. ISI is a service that offers access to quality controlled Open Access Journals. The aim of ISI is to have a more comprehensive perspective and encompass all the open access scientific and scholarly journals which are using the right kind of quality control mechanism. It does not even limit itself to any specific languages or subject domains. The reason it has been created is to enhance the visibility of good quality scholarly journals, thus increasing their readability and impact factor as well.

As a scholar, you must know that ISI follows a strict referring process and two to four referees should be there for each submitted manuscript. With the stringent acceptance policies, the acceptance rate is mostly less than 50 per cent.

Within the ISI journals, there are subcategories and levels. The highest level of ISI defines the most original and significant contribution in the field. If a scholar gets a publication in an ISI-indexed journal, it is taken to be a remarkable contribution in the field of study.

The review process for the ISI journals is quite stringent, and one needs to follow a process to select the ISI journal that is most appropriate for the researcher. The journal can be selected with this process:

  1. Choose field of knowledge
  2. Determine journals’ Impact Factor and Quartiles
  3. Select the journals within the quartile (Q1, Q2, Q3)
  4. For all journals selected, visit their website
  5. Check type of works accepted (Review, Original research article, Letters, etc.)
  6. Check the turnaround time for articles submitted to the journal
  7. Check number of publications per year
  8. Check type of fees associated
  9. Check whether it has online edition
  10. Check the length and structure of the manuscript acceptable to the journal

Here is a flow chart of how the Review Process the journals at ISI normally follow:

review process IS journals

You must have the following considerations in place before you think your research paper is complete to be sent at ISI:

  1. First of all give an honest opinion to yourself that your research is worth publishing
  2. Answer whether my research has substantive contribution to make in the field of study or the literature under study?
  3. What are the steps needed to be cleared before the submission in the chosen journal?
  4. How can I increase the citations of my published research by selecting the most appropriate journal?

Other than knowing the guidelines for getting your paper selected for publication in one of these worthy journals, you must also know the reasons because of which your paper may get rejected by the journal for a more thorough preparation. But once you get prepared with your manuscript, your quest for the most suitable ISI journal begins. We can make your this quest easy and can help you figure out that one perfect ISI journal, write to us at


Choosing the Right Topic for Your Scientific Manuscript

Over the past 50 years, there has been a prolific increase in the number of published scientific journals and manuscripts globally. Available abstracts of scientific meetings and papers are a great source of assimilating information for publishing manuscripts, however, less than half of these abstracts are ever published as articles in scientific journals.

There are a number of reasons for a failed manuscript including lack of research time, negative research results, and delay in completion of research projects. Additionally, choosing the right topic for your manuscript can increase the chances of getting published.

You can choose the right scientific topic for your manuscript based on the following points:

  • The type of manuscript.Manuscript type generally falls in the following categories:
  • Full articles, or completed piece of research.
  • Review papers, which provides your perspective on a current topic.
  • Letters, which are a shorter version of the full articles, and are used for quick communication of new scientific advances.

When working on a manuscript, evaluate your work and determine which of these categories do it fall under.

  • Ensure that your manuscript topic is publishable.
    Question your scientific hypothesis as follows and examine the answers:
  • Is my hypothesis hard and interesting?
  • Will I face numerous challenges in my research work?
  • Is my work related to a current topic?
  • Do I have any solutions for this difficult problem?If the answers are yes, then you are set for writing a publishable manuscript.
  • Choose the right scientific journal.Do not try to write a manuscript aimed at publishing them in multiple scientific journals. Select one or two journals of your choice, which are the right platform for advancing your scientific idea. Study the recent publications of the target journals to know the type of article topics that they accept. As rejection rates of popular scientific journals are high, wait for the response from the editorial team before sending your manuscript to another.
  • Start with the research databases.You can start by looking for topics of interest in at least a few credible research databases. Avoid databases that only contain scientific papers, published more than 10 years back. Keep a note of published research papers and journals that can added as references and citations in your manuscript.

In conclusion, you must be able to cherish your manuscript topic first, irrespective of whether it gets published or not.

Do Not Write Your Manuscript Like This

Each time you are planning to publish a paper, it is generally anticipated that you will read thoroughly instructions or guidelines for authors. It actually helps you ensure that your manuscript is written and published according to the standards of the journal. But the fact is that very few authors rigidly follow the instructions. Even though you may eventually edit your manuscript in accordance with the instructions, still you need to remember a few points to ensure that your manuscript is mistake free. So, let us now discuss how not to write your manuscript.

Do not write inconsistent manuscript
If you research, you will come to know that most of the authors do not maintain consistency while writing a paper. The words usage is not uniform throughout the manuscript. If you do not maintain consistency, it can lead to extreme confusion for the editors. For instance, if you are using the word “girl” for a particular individual in your paper, keep referring to the individual as girl throughout the manuscript. Do not use the word “female” or “lady”. It can create confusion.

Do not use wrong citations
Before writing the manuscript, do check the type of citation which your intended journal accepts. The fact is that various citation styles are used, like numbers, alphanumeric, name and year and so on. So, if you choose the wrong citations, you may eventually end up correcting the mistakes later on, which can consume significant amount of your time. So, check out the citation style which is accepted by the journal and then use citations accordingly.

Do not use wrong reference styling
Similar to citations, nowadays different journals have their separate reference styling and formatting. Do you know that nowadays manuscripts are largely rejected due to wrong reference styling? So, ensure that you are using the right reference styling before drafting your manuscript.

Do not use self-created abbreviations
If you research, you will discover that various authors use non-standard and self-created abbreviations in their manuscript. They actually forget or ignore the fact that their manuscript is going to be published internationally as well and will therefore have a global reach. For this reason, using non-standard and self-created abbreviations should be ignored. In fact, the authors need to use abbreviations that are standard and largely used by all both nationally and globally.

Consider the aforementioned points and do not make these mistakes in your manuscript.

Why Manuscript Writing is Dreadful

Manuscript writing can be really problematic whether you are a novice or an experienced researcher from the point of view of the length, duration, complexity and grammar.. There are a lot of issues professional authors also face while creating manuscripts. This includes redundancy and grammtical errors. Whether you are creating a manuscript for academic or non academic works, the task is extremely cumbersome in itself.

1.  Grammar: Getting It Right
This is one of the biggest hurdles while writing your manuscript. You may think…how hard could it be? I know basic grammar! But when an experienced person comes up with a professionally written manuscript, you will know the difference.A key to making content presentable, attractive and appealing is to ensure it is grammatically correct, interesting to read and unique in terms of its presentation.  If there are grammatical errors, it creates a very bad impression on the reader.If you want to come up with the perfect manuscript, opt for professional services and see the difference for yourself. From every serial comma to semi colon, a professionally written and edited manuscript can be the perfect step to a publishing success.

2.  Time: Every Minute Counts
If manuscripts have to be ready within the timeframe required and have the degree of complexity and uniqueness needed within that period, the problem of time management comes to the fore. Writing manuscripts can be tedious and time-consuming. Authors can save the time they would have otherwise spent poring over the manuscript. When it comes to publishing your own book or academic work, a well-written manuscript requires a lot of time commitment. You may have prepared the initial draft but have no time for the final version? Welcome to the world of a busy author or researcher! The way out is to opt for a professional writer. These people are experienced in the field and have no limitations such as time constraints.

3.  Effort Another Crucial Problem
Another constraint is the person’s efforts for writing a manuscript. This is why manuscript writing is dreadful. Cross checking references and writing top quality content is not an easy task and saving effort by giving the work to a professional can avert a lot of headaches. Manuscript writing services helps the client to be able to cut down on the monumental strain of having to come up with the perfect words (and manuscript!)

Making The Manuscript Editing Process Smooth

Manuscript editing, at times, proves to be a challenging task. However, following certain guidelines could definitely convert it into a simpler task. The only thing to learn here is to self-evaluate your work. You should know how to revise what you have scripted. No matter, if you have written fiction or non-fiction, poetry or literature, you should know how to evaluate your own writing. The process includes multiple task-specific processes which are as following:

1. Get Into Reader Mood From Writer Mood

The first and the foremost step is to read the entire manuscript without changing anything. Now, start making notes on key corrections. At this stage, what you need to do is to shift your mood from writer mode to readers. Now start reading it from cover page to conclusion.

2. Feel Fresh While Taking a Break to Evaluate Your Manuscript

Before making a great start to the process of manuscript editing, take a break and make your brain free from all sorts of tensions Now, keep yourself away from your computer. This is the time when you can think of some other topic on which you want to write. Make sure that you feel fresh by writing on another project. Now, you can start underlining the phrases which you want to rewrite and here you can manipulate your manuscript. Also, if you have not written a synopsis, you can do it now as it is better to be late than never. You can start it before revising your work. After reading the manuscript with a free mind, if you realise that its not what you had wanted to write, you can figure out how to bring the real meaning in the finished product.

3. Let The Speech Go Smooth

Put all your attention on speech. Emphasise on nouns, adverbs, adjectives and verbs. See if you can use more compelling action words. Use adjectives and adverbs in a balanced way.

4. Frame Proper Sentences

Making simple and short sentences will always make your manuscript reader-friendly. Putting right punctuations in your sentence can always help the reader to understand the facts more easily.

5. Avoid Distorting Sentences

Try to avoid using tough and several italicized words. Also avoid putting too many exclamation points. Your sentence might look distorted with all such words.

How To Deal With The Rejection Of Your Scientific Manuscript

Every writer has the dream of getting his or her manuscript published. You might even be dreaming of getting straight on the “Coffee with Karan” show when your manuscript gets noticed for its uniqueness. However, every writer has to face rejection at some point of life or another of his or her manuscript. This does not mean that you have to give up hopes completely. Here is how you should deal with the rejection of your scientific manuscript.

Don’t take it personally

Rejection should never be taken personally. Except in very rare cases, you would not know the name of the person to whom you are addressing the queries. Of course, it works the other way round too. The person addressing the letter to you might also not know you. Moreover, it does not mean that you do not matter to the publishing world or any world, for that matter. The person is simply stating that you have not done your work properly. Not now and not for them. That is all. Also, make sure you understand that a scientific manuscript entails an abstract, a well written introduction, some body copy, and a conclusion. You are also expected to include references, figures, and tables in it. Make sure you write for the right audience without including any personal anecdotes.

Send out another query

This is one of the most important steps to be taken after your manuscript has been rejected. Continue to send queries to the people in your list till you have exhausted your list. Most people will receive a form rejection letter. So, you should take it and go through it till you are completely satisfied as to why the editor rejected your work. If you can, write and rewrite your manuscript till you are satisfied that you have changed everything the editor asked you to change in it. Maybe you published your article in the wrong journal or maybe you did not follow the guidelines. Find out what went wrong and edit your article accordingly. If you want, you could always take the help of a professional editing service provider or company.

Writing the Acknowledgement Section for a Dissertation or Thesis

One of the key components of any dissertation or thesis is the acknowledgment section. It is the section of your dissertation that is completely devoted to showing appreciation and acknowledging the colleagues, professors, or other people who helped make your dissertation possible.

The acknowledgment section of the dissertation is a section that is solely dedicated to being grateful for the people who helped make the hard feat of acquiring a doctoral degree possible for the student. It is proper to thank and show gratitude for even moral support. It is known how hard a dissertation is to complete and how emotionally and mentally tasking it may become, so thanking the people who helped you morally as still seen as necessary as thanking the people who might have helped intellectually.

While only a few people were mentioned in this sample, it is expected to mention every person who helped in any way. Whether it was morally, intellectually, technically, or quite literally like a donor of your education or committee member of the dissertation which would have impossible to complete without.

Acknowledgements pages show the essence of the thesis author and their experience of a doctoral life span, but acknowledgements do matter because in amongst the celebration the right people need to be thanked in the best words.

The usual structuring principles apply: those who gave most should be given the most thanks. Supervisors will know the sad truth if the cat gets more lines than they do. Typically the structure moves from thanking the most formal support to the least formal thanks–funders, supervisors, other academics, colleagues, and finally family. This makes sense according to the logic of incremental progression because the informal thanks to family are often the most heartfelt. Close family members are often the people who gave the most (although some supervisors are likely to feel this is not true). They should also acknowledge proofreaders and editors.

Acknowledgements vary in length, and very long acknowledgement dilutes the thanks. Thanks are best when concrete. Acknowledgement must be short and crisp.

Getting Ready for a Conference

There is more to making presentation and packing your bags for a conference. Here are some tips to get the most out of a conference.

1. Your presentation
Prepare extensively for your presentation. In fact, after giving similar presentations on your research topic, you would still need enough time to give a good presentation.

Who’s your audience:
You should determine beforehand that are you presenting to researchers or people from the industry and from your own field only or different fields?

Always check the guidelines of the organizers before you start making your presentation because your poster size can vary with those of the boards provided by the organizers.

Always make clear slides. Don’t write too many sentences on a single slide, make sure the font is large enough and you present your slides in an attractive way.
Practice your presentation with some colleagues or friends. Track the time you need for your presentation, and don’t use too many slides.

2. Making Connections

Talk with speakers or persons from the organizing committee, as you can get help from these experts both academically and for career opportunities. I have seen researchers making connections with fellows of different universities and labs and mutually benefiting by the facilities in their labs.

3. Attending sessions

You should decide early which session you would like to attend from the conference schedule. Look for interesting topics and attend a session to broaden your perspective.

4. Prepare for traveling

To avoid getting stressed out right before your journey, make sure to have everything ready, including: travelling tickets, hotel reservation and confirmation of your registration at the conference. Check visa requirements if you’re traveling abroad and all your other important documents. All this should make sure that traveling itself does not take up too much of your energy to avoid that you arrive at the conference exhausted from traveling.

5. Sight Seeing

Apart from attending the conference, if the venue of your conference is a travelling destination, then you should also plan to visit the famous places in that place. You can check the places online which you should visit and plan accordingly.

Here are 5 Advices for Catching Errors in Manuscript so that you get it Published

When preparing manuscript for achieving academic goals, you have to be careful about the way your manuscript is presented and is error-free. Remember, if you want your ,manuscript to get green signal from your professor, then be sure that you check them inch by inch for mistakes. How you can do it has been listed as below:

Simple misspellings are common when penning down your manuscript, so you should carefully use all spelling and grammar and re-check them for perfect manuscript.

Get a second person to check your manuscript and for this you need assistance of an expert who is aware of the rules followed for dissertation paper. Seek help of a professional who know how to produce a precise work of dissertation so that at the end of day you can be sure of what you write and how well it is presented.

As for yourself, you can be your best critic. Make sure of it by going through the manuscript backwards. Critical view of spellings, grammar and language will help you pick on mistakes. This will help you step on mistakes if you had missed them for the first time.

By reading the manuscript loud it will help you spot the mistakes since the errors in it will be audible to you. Repeat the manuscript in your mind and in this way you will quickly understand if there is any awkward sentence or something is not sounding right.

Most important, you need the right proof-reader or manuscript expert who can help you with the checking. When delivering your paper in hands of someone for the final checking, ensure that it is an authentic source so that nothing goes awry while checking. The sources are confirmed and you have all rules in place. So, bu]y following the above methods you can avoid errors in manuscripts.

Abstract Writing Fast Forward

When you select a conference to attend, the very next thing which comes in your mind is writing an abstract according to the conference guidelines. Then you start to think which work you want to publish in that abstract from all the work you have done in your research. As such there is no set formula for writing abstract and it can depend totally on your work and writing style but however there is good recipe for making a nice abstract which can work almost anywhere.

An abstract is a brief summary of the paper but actually it’s much more than that as it not only say something about your research, but also about yourself, provides an idea of why this abstract provides an added value to the conference. An evaluator will not only study your proposal but also the zeal you have for your topic and the details with which the abstract has been drafted.

Keep these points in mind while writing an abstract

  • Verify that your topic really fits the call for papers
  • Limit yourself to the word count that is indicated by the organizers
  • Follow the instructions for formatting the proposal

I’ve found what really works for me to write an abstract in a fast forward mode. As you have to focus on different sections of an abstract.

The different sections an abstract should generally contain:

Background: Why do we care about the problem and the results?

Objective: What problem are you trying to solve?

Methodology: How you are going to solve the problem?

Results: What were the results of your research?

Conclusions: What are the implications of your answer?

Whenever you need to write an abstract, copy and paste these points into a new document and answer them one by one. Style and grammar don’t matter initially as you have to get the ideas out first.
These answers then make up the first draft of your abstract. Convert the abstract into a readable text, in correct English with proper grammar, making sure the entire abstract flows from its objective towards the conclusions.